blog young lex chronicles
about me
The incoming remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is, to be
honest, one
I never expected to care all that much about. But, after seeing the
graphics, the gameplay,
and especially the characters all over my Twitter feed, I succumbed to
the hype.
I mean, this game has trans rep AND a beefy bird wrestler? Sign me the hell up.
I am genuinely so excited for this game that I'm planning on going out
on launch day to
grab a physical copy.
If only if it were that easy.
You see, so many people are excited for this remake that Nintendo is
cancelling online
pre-orders because they underestimated the demand for it. So, if I
don't show up on
or very close to opening, there's a very good chance the game will be
out of stock.
So, I'll just show up to Best Buy on Thursday morning and get the game,
right? Well,
unfortunately, it's unlikely. Best Buy opens at 10AM on Thursdays, and I
have a class on
that exact time. Thankfully, it isn't an important one, so theoretically
I could just tell that
teacher that "I have an event scheduled" and I can't come, but I don't
think my parents
would approve much of me choosing to buy video games instead of going to
What other options are there near me? There's a Target next to the Best
Buy, but that
opens at 7AM. Although, I highly question anyone's motives for going to
Target at 7 in
the morning to buy video games, so anytime before about 12PM will
probably be safe.
Target is far from my first choice to buy video games, though. I mean
you have to find an
employee to free the game from a weird plastic shell for some reason,
but if it's the only
option... (There's also GameStop, but that's a really long walk away in
the opposite,
direction and besides I'm not in the mood to get sold on some
So, right now, the game plan is to first check if my parents are fine
with me skipping the
class I have and waking up about 20 or so minutes early. This is pretty
easy considering...
they read this blog.
If they're fine with it, great. If they aren't, then there may be a
chance I'm screwed. (And,
before you ask, I can't do in-store pickup because I don't have an ID
just yet.) Either way,
I'm going to go out as soon as I can, check Best Buy and Target, get the
game if I can,
get some groceries, and finally walk to 7-ELEVEn (that is the correct
capitalization), grab
me a Slurpee, and ask for my dad to pick me up.
Is there any point for me to say this publicly? No. And that's why this blog exists.
I will update this blog on an irregular basis. This blog is for
rambling about things that I
think about.
That's pretty much all I have to say right now.
(c)2024 lexdoes