Making Music Is Hard


This is going to be a shorter entry. I just wanted to talk about how I think making music is really
hard for me for some reason.

I simply cannot for the life of me come up with original melodies. I subconsciously
plagiarize most, if not all of my melodies. I have no idea how songwriters train themselves to not
do this, and looking it up on Google provides surprisingly no help.

For example, once I came up with this absolutely astounding song that I called "Rocky Planets".
I absolutely adored it for months... until I realized that I had subconsciously plagiarized
the melody from Taylor Swift's song "Look What You Made Me Do".

If anyone reading this knows any advice on how to stop doing this, please mail
with any advice you may have. Anything would be greatly appreciated.

One last thing: I created a small song that I'm calling "Guitar Bang" for now, and I wanted to
share it with you all. It's a .mid file, so it should be playable on Windows Media Player
if you're on Windows 98, or QuickTime Player if you're on Mac OS 9.

Download the song here.



(c)2022 lexdoes